I am an interdisciplinary marine social scientist interested in knowledge, values, equity, and power in coastal governance and management, especially in fisheries and fishing dependent communities. I primarily approach my work through critical and feminist informed geographies, science & technology studies, political ecology, and sociology. I am currently a postdoctoral scholar at Oregon State University supporting research on human dimensions of offshore wind development, focusing on community benefits and impacts.
Recent Features
Knowledge and Power through Pluralisms and Relationality in the Governance of Salmon on West Coast Vancouver Island.
Doctoral defense seminar at Duke University Marine Lab
Duke Graduate School names Julia a winner of the 2023
Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching
Makeup & Muckboots: Navigating Femininity in the Field.
Personal essay featured on She Explores Podcast and Blog
Duke Forum for Scholars and Publics welcomes Julia as the
2021 - 2022 Anne Firor Scott Graduate Fellow in Public Scholarship
Interview on episode 2 of Seas the Day podcast by Duke Marine Lab

Selected Publications & Reports
Bingham, J.A. (2023). Knowledge and Power Through Pluralisms and Relationality in the Governance of Salmon on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. [Doctoral Thesis, Duke University] doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.23417.65125
Bingham, J.A., Milne, S., Murray, G., and Dorward, T. (2021). Knowledge mobilization and coproduction in First Nations’ Coho salmon fisheries management. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.671112
Choi, J.J., Gaskins, L.C., Morton, J.P., Bingham, J.A., Blawas, A.M., Hayes, C., Hoyt, C., Halpin, P.N., and Silliman, B. (2024). The critical role of low impact factor journals in conservation implementation. Conservation Biology, e14391. doi.org/10.1111/cobi.14392
Tyrell, A., Bingham, J.A, Hogan, F., Pavlovich, T., Silva, A., McCann, J., and Lipsky, A. (2024). A comprehensive assessment of existing Gulf of Maine ecosystem data and identification of data gaps to inform future research: Conceptual Model and Workshop Synthesis Report. [Technical Report] Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Interagency Agreement No. M22PG00023.
Koop, B., Davidson, W., Bernatchez, L., Beacham, T., Bendriem, N., Berseth, V., Bingham, J., Chan, M., Matthews, R., Milne, S., Murray, G., Sumaila, R., and Yáñez, J.M. (2021). Coho Genomics: Conservation, Production, Management & Communities. [Technical Report] Available at: dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.28649.21608
Fairbanks, L., Campbell, L.M., Murray, G., Stoll, J., D’Anna, L., and Bingham, J. (2021). From Blue Economy to Blue Communities: reorienting aquaculture expansion for community wellbeing. Marine Policy. 124: 104361. doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104361
Examples of Products for Research Partners
Bingham, J.A. (2024). “Public Engagement in the Development of Offshore Wind Energy: How to submit a comment to BOEM regarding proposed projects and environmental reviews,” National Sea Grant Offshore Wind Energy Liaison Public Engagement Guide. Rhode Island Sea Grant.
Bingham, J.A., Chukwuma, A., & Choi, B. (2023) Timeline of Canadian fishery development, colonial legislation, and Indigenous organizing and rights affirmation. Emphasis on West Coast Vancouver Island (WCVI), BC, Pacific salmon fisheries, Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations, and the Five Nations’ rights - based multispecies fishery, 1003 – 2022. [Infographic].
Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation. (2023) 2023 Fisheries Strategic Plan for Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation. Eds. Milne, S., Atleo, F., Bingham, J.A., & Masso, S. Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Lands and Natural Resources Department.
Bingham, J.A. (2022) Review of the Realized Effects of License Buyback Programs in B.C. Salmon Fisheries, and Implications for the Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative (PSSI); Briefing and Review for the Administrative Leadership of Ha’oom Fisheries Society.
Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation. (2020). Decision-Making Support Tool and Protocol for Restoration,
Enhancement, and Harvest Management of Cuẃit (Coho Salmon). Eds. Bingham, J.A. & Masso, S. Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Lands and Natural Resources Department.